5 Ways To NDA Preparation Without Coaching

NDA preparation


The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducts NDA Examination twice a year- in the Months of April and September.
Relying just on coaching will not help one crack any competitive exam let alone NDA. So one should keep in mind that self-study is the key. Here we have jotted down 5 ways to prepare for NDA without coaching.

1. Know what you are getting into:

First step is to Gather all relevant information about NDA exam like Latest exam pattern, Syllabus, relevant current topics, books of latest edition, Examination Timeline etc.
NDA exam is carried out in two phases- Written test followed by SSB Interview. Candidates should be aware that different level of preparation is required for both phases of examination.

2. Preparation for Phase 1- NDA Examination: 

Candidates should make themselves aware of the latest syllabus, exam pattern etc and should plan time accordingly by allotting sufficient time to each subject. The syllabus should be covered well in advance so that sufficient time is left to solve old exam papers and to take mock tests.

3. Preparation for Phase 2- SSB Interview. 

SSB interview process is done over a span 5 days. Screening is done on the reporting day followed by testing by three different assessors namely the Interviewing officer, Group Testing Officer and the Psychologist. Candidates should be well versed with the entire process by going through contents available online, reading interviews of old candidates etc.

4. Optimistic approach:

One should start developing an optimistic approach towards every scenario. This will not only keep one motivated but will also help in cracking SSB process as positive approach is looked into in all the testing scenarios done by Interviewing officer, Group Testing Officer and the Psychologist. Screening is a also test of ones psychology so developing a positive approach will definitely help.

5. Self respect and self discipline:

If one wants to stand out of the crowd, he has to be disciplined in behaviour and that will also reflect in his thought process. Discipline is required while preparing with proper study plan, dividing time equally for each section.

Lastly one should always take out time for self and relaxation. If you are focussed towards your goal and are fully dedicated then fruit of success is yours to taste.

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