7 Impressive Ways To Get Noticed In SSB Group Discussion

Group discussions can be intimidating, you have to speak, argue, and make others listen to you. But group discussion is also a great opportunity to showcase your knowledge and get your ideas out there. 

It can be tough to get noticed in an SSB group discussion especially if you’re not the most extroverted person in the room. But there are a few things you can do to make sure you’re being heard and that your ideas are being given the consideration they deserve. 

To make sure you’re getting noticed in an SSB group discussion, follow these seven tips!

Ways to Get Noticed in SSB Group Discussion

Group discussions are used as a selection tool for jobs, admissions, and scholarships. The aim of conducting a group discussion is to test the communication and leadership skills of the participants. It also helps assess the ability of the participants to think on their feet and work in a team. 

SSB group discussion is followed by the written exam to screen students for the final Interview round. If you don’t know the background of the SSB group discussion then here is a gist of it. It is divided into two parts and the GTO conducts the GD. Part one carries a soft or fairly easy topic to discuss and the second part carries a hard topic.

If you want to stand out in the SSB Group discussion then adopt these techniques explained below,

1. Make sure you’re well-informed 

Topics in a Group discussion can be anything and you can not prepare for every possible topic. The best policy is to know Something about everything rather than knowing everything happening in the world.

Make sure you are well-prepared and know the subject matter inside and out. 

One of the best ways to gather knowledge is reading, make reading a hobby. 

Reading newspapers, magazines, and Online forums

Watching news, webinars

Listening to podcasts, discussion

Join Group discussion mock or practice tests offered by various institutions.

Discuss various topics with friends, 

Chai pe Charcha also works well if you can do it constructively.

Be prepared to discuss controversial topics.

2. Respect Others Views

Group discussion is not to initiate arguments, don’t criticize others’ views rather make logical explanations why your point is valid. When you respect others’ views others will also respect your views. Group discussions are not debates and if you don’t like someone’s views then it’s ok, make your opinion and explain why you are correct.

3. Try to Lead the Group

Whenever you see the opportunity try to lead the group. It is one of the fundamental aspects of conducting a group discussion. Candidates are judged based on their leadership qualities or abilities.

There are numerous occasions when you can show your leadership, some of them are

When the group is diverting from the topic it is time to step in and bring your discussion back on the track

No one initiates when the topic seems to be too difficult. A good leader initiates with an opening statement and gives some hints about the topic.

Group discussion can become a fish market or a ground of arguments and a good leader keeps arguing candidates in control and reminds them of the job at hand.

If someone is not participating or struggling to speak try to give him/her a chance to speak

4. Keep Away Selfish Motives

There are instances where a single candidate can ruin the chances of the whole group. They are either too selfish, aggressive, impolite, or arrogant and the group suffers because of these types of participants. Keep aside your selfishness and be ready to work as a team. You will either win as a team or fail. 

5. Find the right time to join the discussion 

The opening is the key, always try to make your opening statement in a bold way. Group discussion can sometimes become too noisy and stating your point can be difficult. Try to speak in a louder and firm voice, and make opening statements like “Gentlemen, I would like to make or add a point…”

Finding the right spot or time to speak is crucial as everyone in the group would like to speak more and make their points clear. Find gaps between when someone finishes and another one starting or pauses while someone is speaking. Be very quick to grab the spot and start speaking.

Another brave attempt would be to start the group discussion, make the opening statement, and lead the discussion.

6. Choose your words wisely

Another key to cracking the SSB Group discussion is to make a strong statement. There are no right or wrong views but make points that are logical. Always try to make 2-3 points and stand by them and try to choose your words carefully. Be confident about your views and show the group why.

7. Be Assertive 

A good speaker is also a good listener. Be a good listener and contribute to the conversation. Showcase your listening skills by being assertive and letting others speak. Be assertive and don’t be afraid to speak up.

Make eye contact with all the participants and your total time should be divided into 70% Listening and 30% speaking.


If you want to make an impression in an SSB group discussion, there are a few things you can do. We have listed the 7 best ways to get noticed in the SSB group discussion. If you are looking for practical-oriented classroom guidance with mock GDs then Dehradun Defence Academy is the best option to consider.

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