The Ministry of Defence (MoD) on Saturday (30 April) said that it procured items worth over Rs 15,000 crore through the Government E-Marketplace (GeM) in the financial year 2021-22.
“Procurement orders by Ministry of Defence (MoD) through Government e-Market (GeM) portal have reached an all-time high of Rs 15,047.98 crore for Financial Year 2021-22,” the ministry said in a release.
It is a jump of more than 250 percent over the last financial year, it added.
The GeM was launched in August 2016 to revamp the old tender process and bring greater probity and transparency in government procurement through digitisation. “In a short span since its inception, the MoD has embraced the digital drive and embarked on this path with absolute resoluteness. Despite multiple challenges on ground, the results have been astounding,” the ministry said