NDA Syllabus 2025: Check NDA Maths, GAT Syllabus PDF

NDA Syllabus 2025

NDA Syllabus 2025: The National Defence Academy (NDA) Exam is a national-level entrance examination conducted twice a year by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). It serves as a gateway for young aspirants who wish to join the Indian Armed Forces as an officer, including the Army, Navy, and Air Force, as well as the Indian Naval Academy Course (INAC).

The NDA Exam has two stages: one is the Written Examination, and the second is the Services Selection Board (SSB) Interview. Candidates must qualify in both stages to clear the NDA exam.

NDA MATHS and GAT Syllabus

The NDA Written Exam comprises two papers:

  1. Mathematics: The duration of the Mathematics paper is 2.5 hours, and it consists of 120 multiple-choice questions, carrying a total of 300 marks.
  2. General Ability Test (GAT): The duration of the GAT is 2.5 hours, and it consists of 150 multiple-choice questions, carrying a total of 600 marks.

The Mathematics paper tests algebra, trigonometry, calculus, and geometry. The GAT is divided into English and General Knowledge sections, covering physics, chemistry, general science, history, geography, and current events. Both papers are objective type and conducted offline.

NDA MathsAlgebra
Analytical Geometry
Differential Calculus
Integral Calculus and Differential Equations
Vector Algebra
Statistics and Probability
NDA GATEnglish
General Science
Current Affairs

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NDA Math Syllabus

The NDA Math syllabus includes fundamental concepts, covering topics such as the number system, trigonometry, geometry, and algebra. Students learn coordinate geometry, vectors, and conic sections, along with calculus topics like differentiation, integration, and their applications. Statistics covers mean, median, mode, and probability fundamentals. There is also emphasis on sequences, series, permutations, and combinations, as well as matrices and determinants.

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Chapter NameSubtopics
Fundamentals of MathematicsNumber System, Rational System, H.C.F. and L.C.M., Inequality, Wavy Curve Method, Modulus Function
TrigonometryQuadrants and Angle Conversion, Compound Angles, Transformations, General Solution, Formulas
Inverse Trigonometric FunctionBasics and Properties
Application of TrigonometryHeight and Distance, Triangle Properties
2-D GeometryCoordinates, Equation of Line, Foot of Perpendicular, Pair of Straight Lines
3-D GeometryBasics, Equation of Plane, Angle between Plane and Line
VectorTypes, Dot Product, Cross Product, Properties
Conic SectionHyperbola, Ellipse, Parabola
CircleGeneral Equation, Tangent
LogarithmsBasics, Exponential Form
Complex NumberBasics, Power of iota, Modulus, Conjugate, Polar Form, Euler Form, Locus
Sequence and SeriesArithmetic Progression (A.P.), Geometric Progression (G.P.), Harmonic Progression (H.P.), A.G.P.
StatisticsMean, Median, Mode, Depression Measures, Correlation, Regression
Binomial TheoremExpansion, Coefficient Properties, General Term, Special Expansions
Quadratic EquationBasics, Roots, Graph, Transformation, Location of Roots
Permutation & CombinationFactorials, Permutations, Circular Permutations, Combinations, Group Formation
MatricesBasics, Types, Operations, Adjoint
DeterminantsMinor, Cofactor, Properties
FunctionsBasics, Domain, Range, Types, Graphs
SetBasics, Operations, Cardinality
RelationBasics, Types
Differential EquationOrder, Degree, Formation, Solutions
LimitBasics, L’Hôpital’s Rule
Continuity & DifferentiabilityBasics, Rules, Logarithmic Differentiation
DerivativesFundamental Rules, Applications (Rate, Maxima/Minima, Tangent/Normal)
Indefinite IntegrationBasics, Formulas, Methods (Substitution, Parts, Partial Fractions)
Definite IntegrationBasics, Properties
Application of IntegrationMaxima/Minima, Tangent, Normal
ProbabilityFundamentals, Conditional Probability, Bernoulli Trial, Bayes’ Theorem
Binary NumberComplete Binary Number System

NDA English Syllabus

The NDA English syllabus covers vocabulary, grammar and usage, reading comprehension, error spotting, synonyms and antonyms, sentence improvement, fill in the blanks, para jumbles, cloze tests, and idioms and phrases to enhance candidates’ language proficiency and communication skills.

CategoryMain Subjects
NDA English
Grammar and Usage
Comprehension and Cohesion
Spotting Errors
Synonyms and Antonyms
Sentence Improvement
Fill in the Blanks
Para Jumbles
Reading Comprehension
Cloze Test
Idioms and Phrases

NDA Chemistry Syllabus

The NDA Chemistry syllabus covers fundamental concepts, including the physical and chemical properties of matter, states of matter, and mixtures. Key topics include atomic structure, chemical reactions, acids, bases, and salts, along with metals and non-metals and their properties. Organic chemistry introduces carbon compounds, hydrocarbons, and homologous series. Students also explore practical chemistry concepts, such as solutions, colloids, and basic metallurgy.

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Is Matter Around Us PureMatter – physical nature & characteristics,
States of matter & properties
Change of state
Latent heat
Evaporation & factors
Pure Substance, Elements
Solution I & II
Atoms and MoleculesAtoms & Molecules I & II
Atomic mass
Molecular mass
Mole concept I, II & III
Structure of AtomsCathode rays
Anode rays
Thomson’s model & alpha-scattering
Rutherford’s model
Bohr’s atomic model
Discovery of neutron
Chemical Equation & ReactionChemical Reaction
Types of Reactions
Balancing equations
Acids, Bases, and SaltsAcids – properties
Chemical properties
Classification & industrial uses
pH scale
Importance of pH
Salts classification I & II
Metals & Non-MetalsMetals – physical & chemical properties
Non-metals – physical & chemical properties
Carbon and Its CompoundsIntroduction
Allotropes of Carbon
Homologous Series
Ethanol & Ethanoic acid properties

NDA Physics Syllabus

The NDA Physics syllabus emphasizes the principles of matter, mechanics, heat, sound, optics, magnetism, and electricity. Students study properties of matter, motion, Newton’s laws, work, energy, and heat transfer. The syllabus covers sound waves, light reflection and refraction, along with basic magnetism concepts. Current electricity introduces Ohm’s Law and circuit fundamentals. Also included are basic instruments, X-rays, and understanding primary and secondary cells.

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Properties of MatterPhysical Properties and states of matter, Mass, Weight, Volume, Density, Specific Gravity,
Principle of Archimedes, Pressure, Barometer
MechanicsMotion of Objects, Velocity and Acceleration, Newton’s Laws of Motion, Force and Momentum,
Parallelogram of Forces, Stability and Equilibrium of bodies, Gravitation, Work, Power, Energy
HeatEffects of Heat, Measurement of Temperature and Heat, Change of State, Latent Heat,
Modes of Heat Transfer
SoundSound waves and their properties, Simple musical instruments
OpticsRectilinear propagation of light, Reflection and Refraction, Spherical mirrors and Lenses,
Human Eye
MagnetNatural and Artificial Magnets, Properties of a Magnet, Earth as a Magnet
Current ElectricityStatic and Current Electricity, Conductors and Non-conductors, Ohm’s Law, Simple Circuits,
Heating, Lighting, and Magnetic Effects of Current, Measurement of Electrical Power
CellsPrimary and Secondary Cells
X-raysUse of X-rays
InstrumentsSimple Pendulum, Simple Pulleys, Siphon, Levers, Balloon, Pumps, Hydrometer,
Pressure Cooker, Thermos Flask, Gramophone, Telegraphs, Telephone, Periscope,
Telescope, Microscope, Mariner’s Compass, Lightening Conductors, Safety Fuses

NDA General Science Syllabus

CategoryMain Subjects
NDA General Science
Difference between Living and Non-Living
Basis of Life – Cells, Protoplasm, and Tissues
Growth and Reproduction in Plants and Animals
Elementary Knowledge of the Human Body and its Organs
Common Epidemics, Causes, and Prevention
Food – Source of Energy for Humans
Constituents of Food, Balanced Diet
The Solar System – Meteors, Comets, and Eclipses
Achievements of Eminent Scientists

NDA General Studies (History, Geography) Syllabus

The NDA General Studies syllabus covers a comprehensive range of topics in History and Geography. In Geography, it includes world geography basics, Earth’s structure, climatology, geomorphology, and oceanography. Indian geography explores physical divisions, river systems, climate types, natural vegetation, and resource distribution. History is divided into ancient, medieval, and modern periods, covering major civilizations, empires, religious movements, colonialism, and India’s independence movement.

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World Geography
Universe and Solar SystemUniverse, Solar System, The Sun, The Big Bang Theory
The EarthStructure of Earth, Latitudes and Longitudes, Earthquake, Volcanoes
GeomorphologyEndogenic and Exogenic Forces, Continental Drift, Plate Tectonic Theory
ClimatologyAtmosphere, Temperature Distribution, Pressure and Wind System, Air Masses, Fronts, Cyclones,
OceanographyDivision of Ocean Floor, Temperature and Salinity of Oceans, Movement of Ocean Water,
Ocean Currents, Tides
Indian Geography
General Introduction of IndiaIndia Size and Location, India and its Neighbouring Countries
Physical Division of IndiaHimalayas, Deccan Plateau, Western and Eastern Ghats, Indo-Gangetic Plain, Coastal Plains
Drainage System of IndiaDifferent Drainage Patterns, Himalayan Rivers, Peninsular Rivers
Climate of IndiaFactors determining Indian Climate, Indian Monsoon, Types of Climate in India,
Koppen’s Classification of Indian Climate
Natural Vegetation and WildlifeTypes of Forests in India, Wildlife Protection Act, Ramsar Convention
Soils of IndiaSoil Classification, Soil Erosion, Soil Conservation
AgricultureTypes of Agriculture in India
Minerals and Energy ResourcesTypes of Mineral and Energy Resources, Distribution of Minerals and Energy Resources
Ancient History
Historical Sources and Pre-Historic PeriodPalaeolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic
Indian HistoryIndus Valley Civilization (IVC), Vedic Civilization
Religious Movements of 6th Century BCEBuddhism, Jainism
Mauryan HistoryPolitical History, Administration, Society
Gupta and Post Gupta PeriodGupta Empire, Harshavardhana Empire
Sangam PeriodPolitical History, Sangam Literature, Cholas, Cheras, Pandyas
Medieval History
Arab and Turkish InvasionMuhammad Bin Qasim, Muhammad of Ghazni, Mohammad Ghori
Delhi SultanateSlave Dynasty, Khilji Dynasty, Tughlaq Dynasty, Saiyyed Dynasty, Lodhi Dynasty
Mughal DynastyPolitical History, Economic and Social Life, Art and Architecture, Paintings, Music
Sufi and Bhakti MovementNayanars, Alvars
Vijayanagar and Bahmani KingdomSangama, Saluva, Tuluva, Aravidu
MarathasRise of Marathas under Shivaji, Revenue Policies, Military Policies
Conquest of Sikh EmpireFirst Anglo Sikh War, Second Anglo Sikh War
Modern History
Advent of European Companies in IndiaPortuguese, Dutch, English, French
Peasant, Tribal and Trade Union Movements
Development of Press and Education System in India
Revolt of 1857Causes, Consequences
INM Phase-I [1885 – 1905]Indian National Congress (INC)
INM Phase-II [1905 – 1919]Partition of Bengal, Swadeshi and Boycott Movement
INM Phase-III [1919 – 1947]Non-Cooperation Movement, Chauri Chaura Incident, Swarajist Movement, Nehru Report,
Committee of Nations & Round Table Conference, Dandi March, Gandhi-Irwin Pact, Pune Pact,
August Offer, Cripps Mission, Desai-Liaquat Pact, Wavell Plan, Cabinet Mission

NDA Current Affairs Syllabus

The NDA Current Affairs syllabus focuses on recent national and international events, significant political changes, and major global developments. It covers prominent personalities in India and abroad, especially those influencing cultural activities and sports. Candidates should stay updated on notable events, government policies, and international relations that impact India.

National EventsImportant events in India, government policies, schemes, and initiatives
International EventsMajor global events, international summits, agreements, and India’s relations with other nations
Political EventsElections, political changes, and significant political developments in India
Geopolitical IssuesBorder disputes, alliances, conflicts, and other global issues impacting India
Defence NewsDefense technology advancements, acquisitions, defense exercises, and international collaborations
Economic AffairsKey economic policies, budget announcements, GST updates, and significant economic indicators
SportsMajor sporting events, international tournaments, and achievements of Indian athletes
Awards and RecognitionsNobel Prizes, national awards, sports awards, and other significant recognitions
Science and TechnologyInnovations, discoveries, and scientific breakthroughs, especially those relevant to India

NDA Written Exam Marking Scheme

SectionNumber of QuestionsTotal MarksMarks per QuestionNegative Marking
General Ability Test (GAT)
– English502004-1.33
– General Knowledge1004004-1.33

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